Parable of a School of the Prophets

Hear the words of this parable:
 Not long ago in a certain place there was a school of the Prophets lead by 
a very true and devout Prophetess for many years. 
After some time she placed the day to day leadership of the main location in the hands of a few of her young Prophets,, but they did not consistently demonstrate 
the exemplary pattern of humility in leadership that she had set. 
The people became upset and disgruntled and questioned why.  
After a time, the Lord spoke to the hearts of those who would listen 
and said:
"You are dissatisfied with with what you see and wonder, and ask why my daughter 
or I have not done something about it. 
Can't she see what's happening in leadership you say? 
My daughter is as she  has always been- 
open to what I say.. 
Hear the whole matter:  
The uniqueness of what you have seen before and honored  is the way of the true prophet - relationship and the demonstration of relationship. Those that were taught directly by her (many) were thinking they were being taught line and precept... 
yes they were,  but relationship /sonship / open line of communication with the Father thru the Holy Spirit is what was primarily taught by example. But because of the mindset of the people they began to deify the leader because of the evidence before their eyes of Godliness which is for all of you to display...the leader whose true honest humility would not allow her to be anything other than she is had no intention of the people misconstruing Godliness for Godness but because it is easier to look at themselves and say: I hear what she is saying, but I can't do what she does . When her whole message for these many years has been- hear God, believe God, and be (do what he says in every situation (the way of the prophet). Emulate the way I walk with God.. but the people chose to deify her walk with God rather than emulate it.. 
The  voice of the Lord continued: Here is the key to what you have been wondering about: in order for her to see in her lifetime what was promised to her regarding this school a drastic change was necessary... the people had gotten in a pattern of deifying leadership and that pattern has to be broken in a radical way.... to break the pattern it was necessary to place leaders that could not be deified in order for the people to get in line on an individual basis with the true pattern of walking in relationship rather than looking to leadership to do it for them…
 so the repair of the problems you see and perpetuate in your own way by complaining, is not to complain. But it  is to encourage each other to get back on message --- living as instructed--- 
the way of the prophet- 
hear, believe, and be (do as the Lord speaks) . 
As you do this you will see the alignment of leadership back in order. 
Not to be deified, but a pattern to be followed...
Hear , believe, and be. Says the Lord..  
those who heard this shared it with those who were not in a place to hear it because of their mindset  and over time the entire School was healed and began to flourish  all the more....  
 Selah- Think on this.


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