We are Interdimensional


Inter dimensional....quantum reality of body, soul, and spirit simultaneously then and now, and here and there..
The physical body with its limitations can seemingly be only in one place at a time but actually everything that the physical body consists of is constantly in a state of quantum flux moving through space and time, informed by a culmination of almost limitless data in the DNA strands that make each of us particular and unique and existed for thousands of years  and continues into the future as we reproduce generation to generation.
The Soul is the constantly changing and adapting seat of the emotions and intellect - the soul takes us on trans dimensional journies of vision, and imagination.. visualizing potential and bringing it through planning and effort  into manifestation in the physical realm.
The "Ruah" - "breath of YWH",- the Spirit is eternal with no limitation of past, present, future, Place or circumstance...the ultimate expression of the unlimited simultaneously everywhere and everywhen at once!


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