The other day i was exploring the web to see if i could find a free app creator...Then the sky opened and the Angels sang!!!! Google search paid off in a big way!!! Songpier.com came into my life and i now have this exuberant feeling of fulfillment..Super easy setup once you understand the language. It really allows one to do what it says - which is consilidate my web presence into one easy to use page which can be used by the user like an app...once on the page the user drops an icon on their desktop that takes them to the site seamlessly anytime they want..  I already had a landing page of sorts with bio, songs, video but this is a little different  its much more intuitive.... each function is represented neatly as a little icon that sits on your background photo...; also as a bonus songpier gives a cool qr code  as a way to access it .. anyone can scan it and it goes directly to the page .. qr code is a great option for merch like tshirts , cups etc. & guerilla advertising...i am finding that it works best on iphone and ipad and looks pretty good on a desktop and laptop but startup can be a little iffy on android phone for some reason and sending icon to desktop is wierd as well but maybe i just dont speak android..   Still tweaking..in terms of deciding which songs to feature for free in the songlist and videos... already had numerous downloads from my album on itunes because of the ease of getting to it on the app..yipee!!. 
Check it out and tell me what you think...


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