
1st week in September is major. The week of my and a few other of my favorite folks birthdays including Ja Jahannes and Sandra Berry. Happy Birthday to us!! I was born on Labor Day in 1961 and often growing up since school was out on that holiday is when we celebrated it even if it did not fall on the 4th. This year i will be 53! Wow that's old!!!  As i contemplate and compare the goals and priorities I had 40 years ago, and now, I see some interesting contrasts and similarities.. Interesting when i wrote the above song MY LIFE IS ALL ABOUT YOU and one of my sister in laws heard it she said "that's not a true song" .. She was referring to the opening lyric "My life was all about money and what i could get, seeking fortune and fame and material things. I wanted pleasure and fun, didnt care who got hurt....etc..". Fortunately  those aspects of my life or personality predated meeting them and seem antithetical to my present state of mind and being. It is however true that from a very early age on through college all i wanted and worked for was to become rich and famous. I honed all my skills and talents in preparation for some big break and eagerly sought opportunities to make it happen. Then one day, not even sure when anymore, that all changed..and my total goal became being a reflection of the love, light, compassion, & creativity of GOD. Still constantly honing musical /theatrical skills but for a totally different purpose..Fame and riches fell off  my mental map and never returned as goals. and positively influencing lives and transforming environments became and remain uppermost in my mind. Having nice things and being able to go places and perform for large audiences i still enjoy but as a side effect but  not the goal.
Lyric to another of my songs sums it all up- "Just as long as my heart does the singing it doesnt matter who what where or when. Sharing the light and the love that fills me will always be my reason to sing!"


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