This song comes as a result of being asked to write from the perspective of the homeless. Film-maker  Francisco (Pancho) Giracca approached me about doing some music for his documentary "UNDER THE BRIDGE" and i jumped at the chance because we (my city) had very recently (only weeks before)  gone through a very bad storm that called for mandatory evacuation. My wife & I stayed and rode the storm out while most Savannahians hit the road. Lots of homes and property were severely damaged but by the grace of God we didn't have any damage at all, and barely even lost power while many people didn't have power for several weeks. In the days preparing for the storm I was very concerned about the people who live on the streets, lanes, and in the woods and even inquired about what the City of Savannah's plan was regarding their safety in case evacuation became necessary (which it did). The city made the Civic Center available as a pick up point for anyone needing to evacuate who did not have transportation in place. I was heartened by this information but was still troubled when i found out that numerous people in a homeless camp never got the information and apparently were not even aware of how very serious the coming storm was.  This became a significant point of prayer for me. The storm ensued and while watching the news i saw images of displaced people treading through chest high water holding their meager possessions above their heads.  
The Lyrics of this song point up the fact that a few simultaneous bad breaks can wreak havoc on anyone but with help and grace one can recover.

You don't see me but i used to be you
with a car and a house
and a sense of security.
You don't know me but i used to be you
with a job and a dream, and the love of a family
but one day a storm of life washed that all out to sea.
one day a storm of life washed that all out to sea.
Now a blanket, tent, and fire 
sheltered only by the sky are my security.
Now I trust that God above will provide for me
Oh i trust that God above provides.

You don't see me but i used to be you
travelin' fast on the road now above my head.
Now I'm down here wonderin' 
just where you're speedin' to.
Now I'm down here wonderin'
where I'm driftin' to.
With a blanket , tent, and fire
sheltered only by the sky as my reality.
Oh i trust that God above provides for me.
You dont see me
but i used to be you.

-Music & Lyrics by Gary Swindell
G.S.SongWorks  All Rights Reserved
CopyRight 2016


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