-Final Group Photo@ Muse w/ Visions 2017 Cast & Marc & Jin-

-Cotton Scene-
Visions was phenomenal this year! It was especially Historic because it was the final event at the Muse Arts Warehouse before its closing. Lots of love to Marc & Jin!
 A whole lot of love, music, poetry, & special theatrical moments will echo at that spot for the next 100 years no matter what the land will be used for. Here's to hoping and believing we will be able to find  and /or establish another venue as perfect as the Muse for our shows & all the other community events that the Muse was home to.
Lots of great photos from the show online but these are a few of my personal favorites from the Gospel suite.

-Follow the Drinking Gourd-

-There is a River-

-VISIONS 2017-


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